Category: 2018

4. gratitude is generous

Gratitude is magic.

On days when the world is a list of “isn’t-s” and “not-quite-good-enough-s”, gratitude changes focus to what is now.  The mind-shift transforms everything that “is” to exactly as it should be.  It’s a beautiful and surprising magic. Even better, we are all capable of this sorcery.

Your gratitude list can contain anything but the most surprising and powerful appreciations are often least expected.  They are the ones that, without gratitude, we fight the most:

Thank you for the challenge today, it has helped me see my true strength.

Thank you for the critics who have pushed me further than I thought I was capable.

Thank you for love. I mourn my loss but I’m so grateful that I have loved so deeply in this life.

Thank you for the frustrating people in this world who have taught me to be a better human.

Thank you for the unknown.  When I’m uncomfortable, I know I am acting from the most potential for magic and fulfillment.

Gratitude is potent generosity. Practicing this magic reveals a surprising truth: Everything you are thankful for was once a want and desire that you transformed to now.

You have changed your world.

What will future gratitudes bring?

(C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

 Image result for airbnb logo

Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:



3. the path with heart

The path with heart is what you give freely to the world.

It is believing the moment, no matter how difficult, crusty, unclear, or fettered, is exactly what it needs to be and will carry you to the right destination.

It means believing in your creative power because it is a wondrous power, not because it gains an external end.

The path with heart is doing the right thing over picking sides.

It is doing your best and knowing that in the past you have done your best. There is no need to look behind you anymore.

It is a commitment to learning and being kind to yourself.

The path with heart is working, creating, acting and interacting from love.

The paths asks you to commit to listening, deeply, purely and meaningfully.

The path with heart is teaching kids how to love.

It is laughter, freedom, sadness, surprise, wonder, awe, joy.

It is pure living and the path that gives you passion, energy and purpose.

Walk the path with heart despite what others may say, do or make you feel. They will unknowingly try to take it away because they don’t understand.

The path with heart is definable by your own heart. Find it. Listen to it. Act.

It will change your world.

(C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

 Image result for airbnb logo

Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:




2. don’t be selfish

The creative process can be a tortured hiding from the world.

When you paint, you close the door and put on music to let your your fingers dance in color, water, light.  When you teach, you turn on the teacher’s mask and preach a philosophy you hope one day to embody.  When you write, you turn your back on the world and let words birth from thoughts and fingers.

It is all a type of hiding, a way of stuffing yourself away so that something is born; painting, learning, a poem or more.  We recede in order to create and to make room for the new tide’s bounty.

When it’s born, don’t hide it anymore.  Don’t be selfish.  Don’t let the “It’s not good enough” or “I’m a phony.” or “I’m not qualified…” prevent you from disclosing something that could change the world for even one person.

No act is useless if it is given in selfless service.  

Let what’s born perform.  Let what’s born push into the world and be free.     

(C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

 Image result for airbnb logo

Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:




Rituals to Awaken Your Creative Potential

This is one of my personal favorite ways to think about creativity:

Creativity flows from a commitment to curiosity and learning. 

I like this because it means creativity is unique to individual purpose and passion. It isn’t subject to the majority’s whims because it is entirely personal and purposeful.  Even if the creative process is fleeting, like a simple sketch, if it aligns with nourishment for your curiosity and learning, it is creativity.

When I wrote my last email about how we are all artists, I was not just considering painting. The medium you choose means little. What is important is that you show up and express yourself. It is a gift to the world when we express our creativity because that exploration and expression is meant for someone, anyone who picks it up, interacts with it and is transformed by it, even if it’s for you. That person (you!) is waiting for you to express yourself.

I know it can make you feel vulnerable. It can feel like you are exposing who you are, not just your ability, but your heart.  Engaging in a creative process, whether painting, writing, music, dancing or any entrepreneurial endeavor is the art of finding yourself and giving a little away in the hope to make the world better even if it is “just” your world.  It is an act of faith. First, we create without guarantees and the blind hope it will be received with joy and gratitude. Then, because of our doubts, we need courage to continue making and perseverance when it doesn’t work out exactly as its planned.

In workshops, I’m consistently impressed by your vulnerability, courage and trust as I outline the process before you. Your leap of faith is magical. With a little nudge, support and the belief in you, you create. You do it not just to be able to say, “I did that!” Which is awesome. But also “I did it and it came entirely from me, from who I am.”  Given the potential emotional consequences, it’s striking to me that we all still try to create. You show up. We are willing to risk rejection’s electric shock for an authentic journey towards trying something new and finding authentic self-expression. Its an adventure and a risk. This tells me that creativity and self-expression are powerful anchors of whole-hearted creative living.

We are curious.  We want to learn. We are driven to create.

I recently went to a Creative Reboot conference for artists in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I got to hang out and soak up the creative energy and vibe on of some of the most inspiring people; Julia Cameron, Flora Bowley, Sheri Rosenthal and meet even more creative and inspiring souls.   It was a moving retreat that helped anchor ideas and rituals to keep my creative spirit alive and thriving in my studio and life. Of course, I want to share them with you.

Here are some the best rituals and takeaways from the experience:

Embrace the Artist’s Way.  This is really three rolled into one but they are all attributable to Julia Cameron, the author of The Artist’s Way and as many as 40 books. She was an important speaker for me at Creative Reboot.  Her book inspired me to paint almost 20 years ago and last year I took an Artist’s Way workshop through the Seattle Artist’s Way Center in Seattle which kept me creating through a challenging transition time. Again, Julia anchored the experience at the retreat for me and her formula for creative living is wonderfully simple. It goes like this:

  • Practice Regular Morning Pages. In other words, journal every day, especially in the morning to get the junk and negativity out of your head and out of your creative callings way. I can’t tell you how many questions about creative blocks from the audience that she answered with, “Have you been writing your Morning Pages?”
  • Take yourself on an Artist Date once a week.  An Artist Date is a chance to be alone with your creative self and explore whatever your creative heart desires. Mine have included romps in bookstores, toy stores, art stores, speakers series, movies, nature walks and more. Any chance to be curious, explore, be grateful and in awe is a good Artist Date.
  • Find your Believing Mirrors! This is not in her book but she mentioned them more than once. As soon as she described them, I knew exactly who they were in my life and they are critical, critical, critical. These people love, nurture and believe in you.  They give you love, strength, clarity and purpose in life and creativity. They are your beautiful, soul affirming people in your life.  Find the people in your life that are your Believing Mirrors.  Here’s a lovely poem about friendship that I think outlines the sentiment perfectly by David Wythe.

Take it Bite by Bite. Seriously, you don’t have to be a genius all the time or ever to flex your creative muscles.  Instead, focus on the small step you can take now to move you toward creative flow.  That may mean just picking up a paint brush and painting, dancing a little, write a crappy poem.  It doesn’t matter. Do something small to create and to get the creative momentum flowing in the direction of expression not repression. Don’t let repression win. Repression chokes all growth.  That’s bad.  A little progress is a lot better.

Don’t be Selfish. (Thanks to Sheri Rosenthal for this one.) Seriously, when you don’t express yourself, you aren’t sharing the best parts of you. These are the best most authentic and vulnerable parts of you and if you share them they can change your world. Yes, its scary to take the first step but the world needs you, show up for it, otherwise you’re just being selfish and leaving your awesomeness to yourself.

Meditate Every Day (or as often as you can). Meditation helps clear the mind of the negative forces that drive you to doubt. That doubt is what keeps you from starting, continuing, learning and just getting better.  When you pay attention to your thoughts in the act of meditation, those thoughts begin to lose their control on you and suddenly your energy to create increases.  I am just a baby when it comes to meditating, but after a lot initial resistance, it has become a cornerstone of my morning routine.  Here are some resources I’ve used to help develop a practice:

Do it with your brain closed. Whatever your medium try to practice it without thinking.  If you are painting or drawing close your eyes and paint for 5 minutes or as long as your favorite song. If you are writing, just write without thinking or assessing, keep the words flowing. The book Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg is a great resource for helping you let go.  If you are thinking about business ideas, make a list and don’t think about them, use words, images, drawings, colors etc .  Just do it with your brain closed, don’t judge or assess or shut anything down. Let there be no boundaries.  If you love music, try to improvise without a sheet of music and just see what happens. Or try this; just dance and who gives a rat’s A$$ what you look like. Let your mind go for a little and let the rest of you create without judgement. Notice and harness that feeling of letting your mind rest.

Make creativity a part of daily living. How can you make your daily life more creative?  Maybe this means wearing your favorite creative t-shirt or outfit. Maybe cooking an extra fancy meal or buying flowers for your desk.  Listening to art-making music while you do something mundane.  Make a Spotify list for just this occasion. Do you have a favorite super hero? Put her or him near your workstation as a reminder. Dress up like him or her for Halloween too.  Think about what helps frame your days from creative lens of abundance instead of the humdrum of daily living. Add them to the daily ingredients of your life.

In the end, I must return to my definition.  Creativity flows from a commitment to curiosity and learning.  Stay curious, keep learning and keep creativity flowing.

Tell me: How do you keep creating?

What I’m Reading
Reading is another source of inspiration and a ceaseless wellspring.  Right now, I’m focusing on finishing this book: The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment by Adyashanti.  It’s blowing my mind.

Did you get my free book?
There are many new people in this community and I want to make sure that you get a copy of my free e-book; The Art Ritual.  It’s a little book of paintings, poems and writings. In it, I write and paint about the things that get me excited; motherhood, life, courage, expression, magic and more.  Please check it out and tell me what you think.
You can download it here.

Guess what? YOU are an Artist!
25% Discount for Artists!
All you artists get a 25% Discount at my Etsy Store.  I’ve stocked it with new pendants and earrings and even a few in-stock prints.  They are popular gifts that sell fast. Thank you for your support!
Use this link for your discount:


(C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:

creativity (C) Marika Reinke

Creativity is a small beginning.

Creativity is a small beginning. It cannot be underestimated how infinitesimally small. It begins in darkness and ether-dust, born from the closest real thing to nothing that matters. It is energy to its smallest power.

It is perfectly normal magic. Every potential starts small.

Birth from near nothingness always happens. The universe is a dominant drive in favor of creativity. We are obliviously crowded by almost-nothings and not-quite-somethings making small maneuvers to become.  The air is littered with inspired desire and imaginative cravings that are not-so-invisible, just a thought-trick to perceive.

These creative powers, half-imaginings, are miniscule beings, inhuman but alive with desire. A creative act is wise. It knows it’s choices.  It can wait for us to manifest or it can empower itself and act.  If you get close enough, it will dare to act.  It will release a rebellious war cry: “I am important! I am! And I am just beginning.” The outburst is a powerful shove away from nothing and towards expression. The barely noticeable sigh resounds and shifts the air.

With a wince, its life-force lodges into you as you stroll just close enough and marries itself there, a psychic organ but incomplete.

You are the medium of creative existence.

It is a requisite of your being.  Your soul is invaded by the will of a creative act just as our universe is. We are infinite mirrors of creative potentials. More importantly, you are the emollient soil for the seeds of creativity and the gardener of intimate magic. Intimate because it is the act between self and birthright. Magic because it has the potential to transform, not just you, but the world.

Once lodged, your creativity is patient-to-a-point but self-aware and self-preserving.  It is a riotous and shifty multi-dimensional beast. It lies dormant, it rages, it whispers, or tugs on heart pain. Unrealized, it will force you into darkness until you seek its release. Malnourished and your daily life-force is slowly suckled to the sluggish, grey, stone-beat of the numb mundane. Creativity demands respect to the point of formality yet unveils rich wildness in undulations of sublime emotions and kinesthetic eloquence.  Creativity emerges in hope’s soft moments but skitters from fear’s bleak darkness. It reins free, but unstructured, in childhood silliness and fun. In adulthood, it plays hide-and-seek in the open stillness of a window’s sun-slant. It frolics and dares you to let go, be brave and believe.

Creativity is lodged in you. It unsettles you. It does not give up easily. It holds its breath with expectation and wanting while you speculatively, cautiously, slowly, fearfully-yet-hold-your-breath-and-hopefully learn to believe, just a little, and have faith.

You are invaded by creativity. You are not waiting for creativity’s call.  It is ceaselessly calling and present.

Creativity is waiting for you to awaken.


(C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:









My Jungle

When Painting doesn’t “Work”

“What do you do when you are in a phase when you dislike everything you paint?” a workshop artist and participant asked me.

Well, I struggle.

I try not to beat myself up, but of course I do.
I try not to quit, but I practice mini-quits and start again.
I try not to lose focus, but I start avoiding my studio.
I try not to lose faith, but I doubt and doubt again.
I try not to judge the uselessness of art, but I judge and criticize.

The important things I have learned:.

Keep painting. Don’t think. Just keep painting.

Acknowledge that I do not have a clear perspective during this funk. I have painted paintings that I hated and put away, only to bring out 6 months later and I’m stunned by the beauty I didn’t see. (See My Jungle)

The struggle is part of learning. I don’t know everything or anything. But I intuit that ultimately there is a reason for it. It will become clear in weeks, months, or years.

I dislike it because I’m seeking something new in painting but I’m not sure what that is yet.

Painting will tell me when it’s ready.

Lotus in Progess
Lotus in Progess
Mantas: A Love Story (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Would you like to join my *NEW* Art Classes?

What do Art and Spirituality have in common? 

I’m not really qualified to answer this question. Though I was baptized Catholic, I didn’t make it to church much as a child and I’ve carried that  habit with me into adulthood.

However, I imagine the church-going experience to be a practice of community building and reconnected exploration of our personal and communal human experience. One that seeks to create meaning and provide guidance for the sometimes murky though exciting path ahead.

In my mind, so can art-making and many other creative acts.

The closest I got to the experience of church-for-me was an art class I took in Costa Rica that introduced me to acrylic painting and the concept of intuitive art. Sunday nights were filled with personal reflection, connection and lots of paint. I picked up the fragments and vignettes from the week, turned them over in my mind, and made art.  I created, made meaning, reflected and left rejuvenated for the week ahead. The combination of learning, self-discovery and creativity was personal bliss.

I’m thinking about this because I’ve been teaching a lot more lately and I’m beginning to get requests for more classes.

It begs me to ask you all: Would you like to join my *NEW* Art Classes?

I’m looking for a small group of people who are:

  • Interested in taking their painting and art-making to the next level
  • Want to learn more about watercolor and/or acrylic paint
  • Can commit to a monthly 2-3 hour class (at least) to reconnect and reconvene. Weekends or late evenings work best for most.
  • Want to connect to a group of like-minded art-and-meaning makers.

I provide instruction, basic tools and materials, and studio space. Each session: $35 plus a materials fee depending on our projects and interests.

Please respond to this email or [email protected] if you are interested, let me know general days of weeks and times that work for you. I’ll shape our Art Classes as well as identify a schedule that works for us.