Dear Mexico, I Love You is Ready for You

All formats of my first romance novel, Dear Mexico, I Love You are now available on Amazon and all I can say is – Wow! It’s my novel’s birthday.

It was an awesome feeling receiving proof copies this week. Having a real live book in my hand after two years writing her was an unbeatable feeling.  I love it.  But waiting for this day has been both exciting and nerve racking. From elation, to doubt and worry, I’ve had all kinds of feelings since I finished the manuscript. And now it’s done.  She’s in your hands.

If you like a spicy romance, travel, and a good chuckle, then I think you would like this little love story. I hope she makes you feel something like what I felt writing her. I’d love to hear what you think.

And thank you for all your well wishes and to the people who placed pre-orders, too.  What a surprise! Your support is so valuable to me.  I’ve felt a bit like a social hermit as I worked on Dear Mexico, I Love You the last couple of years.  It feels good that there are people still here to cheer me on.  Thank you.