Author: Marika

016: Introduction to Body and Soul Painting

Do you need a break? Are you holding your breath until the time you can just breath and create?

Listen to this podcast and prepare to paint from your heart. This experience will help center and rejuvenate your playful and creative self.

This podcast is a audio of walkthrough of Body and Soul Painting, a class I’ve lead and taught for over 3 years. In this class, I guide you through light and gentle movement, introduce you to a guided meditation to calm the mind and prepare your intuition for creative expression and then you paint – boldly and freely.

On April 24th, 2020, I will release a FREE full length online video workshop of the class which will include:

  • A video introduction to light, free, easy and safe movement
  • An expanded meditation
  • Full video painting techniques and tips
  • In-depth Painting Supplies list for both budget beginners and those ready to level up and splurge
  • Bonus In Love with Color & Paint video which will walk you through the differences in paint and tour my favorite colors
  • A Spotify Body and Soul Painting playlist.

This is FREE for my email members, you can sign up to gain access here.

Meditation begins at 13:25.

015: Confessions of an Artist’s Struggle with Embracing Ugly

What’s more interesting?  Ugly or Pretty?  Why?

Sometimes, I think as I’m painting that I’ve got to brush up on ugly before I can get to a truly interesting painting.  You know, the kind that pulls you to it.  That’s what I’m learning to embrace, that beautiful for all it’s wonderful benefits is not the only way to express yourself.  It’s the opposition between the two that can be the most interesting.  But believe me, I struggle with this.  Inviting unrest and even the ugly into the process makes me uncomfortable even if I know it will bring many benefits.  This is my struggle.  Take a listen.



Ugly Painting? 

Painting Over Pretty

014: Three Books That are Worth Reading or Re-Reading Now

Are you looking for a book  that can help provide comfort and tools for dealing with this Covid-19 time? I am.

I recently decided to re-read some of the pivotal books that have helped me stay calm, centered and manage myself through tough times.  These teachings and books are  a foundation for me.  They help me be creative, curious and basically a better person to everyone around me.  I have read a lot of these kinds of books and because these books are so rich, I have a lot to say about them.  Here are my first three books that are worth reading or re-reading now; The Untethered SoulA New Earth and The Essential Rumi. These books are reflective, life changing and life-affirming and always worth keeping nearby, especially now.  In this episode, I include some additional resources  that can help you deepen your learning too. Take a listen.

Resources in this Episode:

The Untetherd Soul: Michael Singer 

Michael Singer on Sounds True

A New Earth: Eckhart Tolle 

Oprah and Eckhart Tolle Book Club on a New Earth

The Essential Rumi: Coleman Barks

Rumi Oracle: An Invitation Into the Divine: Alana Fairchild

013: Why don’t I feel like painting?

This question popped up on my Facebook feed:  “A few months ago, I started painting. I’ve noticed that since this coronavirus mess started, I haven’t felt like painting. It doesn’t seem like I have the heart or mood to do it. I’m wondering why that might be. I’m finding myself drawn to crafts like sewing. Any ideas or insights as to what might be going on?”

I love this question, it raises so many issues. What is the meaning of art? How is crafting different?  It punches at why art matters and what makes it essential these days. I  have lots to say in response. It revolves around big themes; fear, selfishness, guilt, utility, meaning, storytelling, companionship, healing. In this episode, I share them and seek to make a case for why creating and painting now is important for you and into your future.  Come take a listen and let me know what you think.




012: Living a Brave New Essentials-Only Life

What does it mean to live an essentials-only life?  Inevitably it raises the question, if I’m not essential these days, what am I?  We have had our black days as we learn to settle into this new paradigm.  Many of the things we thought were essential to us, are gone.  I believe in making the most of it,  I do my best like everyone else, but this is also no spiritual retreat and I share why.  Inevitably, and despite this blip in time, we are all needed.  We are all valuable.  And that is why I keep creating even on tough days like this.

resources in this podcast:

Ted Interview: Elizabeth Gilbert, It’s Ok to Feel Overwhelmed 



011: Nostalgia and the Whole-Hearted Lessons of Bali

Nostalgia.  It wasn’t that long ago that I returned from Bali, my head whirling with ideas and lessons in life and art.  There were some good lessons on releasing emotions, giving and receiving, and creating a safe space for creativity to grow.  Plus the music, the art, the culture.  They are all still good lessons, and maybe even more so now.  Take a listen because we all need a good laugh AND scream these days and Bali knows how to do this right.


Flora Bowley Together Apart Live Painting Sessions and Art of Aliveness Retreat

The Language of Drums experience with Aryo

010: Coping and Resilience During Disruption

My daughter and I had a talk this weekend about how much isolation sucks. After some tears, we brainstormed ways to cope; set goals, establish some routines, and envision yourself after the isolation. It all comes back to wellness.  Fitness, meditation and creativity are the center of  hope. Luckily, it appears to be scientifically backed that most of us are built for resilience.  In this episode, I explore theories of grief, loss, resilience and transformation to attempt to start a conversation about meaning making with you. Meaning makes my world go round.  What about you?

Listen, let me know what you think.

References from this episode.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross – Cycle of Grief

George Bonnano – Resilience and the Four Trajectories

Jack Mezirow – Transformational Learning

Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra Free Meditation Experience on Hope


009: Seven Books that Inspire and Transform Art Making

A good book can inspire tidal waves of creativity.

When asked which books have inspired me to be creative, this is my first seven. These books make me smile. They have inspired my art making and creativity as well as moved me to seek out these writer’s workshops and speeches. This episode includes my thoughts and experiences with the heavy hitters and classics; books by Julia Cameron, Steven Pressfeild and Elizabeth Gilbert as well as some lesser known creativity thinkers. I will always keep them on my shelf.

Enjoy!  What would you add to this list?

Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

War of Art by Steven Pressfeild

How Painting Grounds me to this Earth by Leigh Hyams

Art and Fear: Observations on the Perils and Rewards of Art-making by David Bayles and Ted Orland


008: Four Radical Shifts that will Change Art and this Crazy Pandemic World

There is a spaciousness in these long days, a relationship of fear to hope, and radical shifts happening to us during this pandemic.  And I think this:  In this crazy and out of control situation, we have our own radical work to do. There are challenges ahead to the way we live and express love, self-love, gratitude, hope and ultimately art.  It’s complicated, packed and isn’t always feel good AND it’s a challenge to the artist to tell this story and let it change our work. When you do, your creativity will help reform and re-form the world, and that is seriously good business.

Take a listen.


Get Green Soothe, Auditory Canvas

007.5: Why You Need to Have a Temper Tantrum

I recorded this episode about a month ago, before everything seemed to crumble.  But upon reflection, I think it is worth posting. I do feel like having a temper tantrum right now.  And it’s totally okay and even healthy to do it. When things are going to sh*t, a good scream can feel so good.   I even mention some fantastic resources in this episode that you may find even more relevant than ever.  And the things I mention about music?  Oh yes – that truly applies here too   Food for thought.

Sometimes I get so fed up with all this creating, I just need to have a temper tantrum.  Do you?  In the past, I felt a little guilty for my sucky attitude.  I tend to complain.  But with the help of some new perspectives and some great reading, I’ve learned to appreciate these moments as turning points in my creative process and my world.  I might actually be on the brink of a breakthrough if ONLY I just stick with the process.  What do you think?

The following references were mentioned in this episode:  Wishcraft: Barbara SherLoving What Is: Byron Katie / Invisible Warfare: Mona Miller