What does it mean to be an artist? Do you consider yourself one? What you think matters a lot to this conversation. And I’ll tell you why. It’s a big missing piece of the creative habit puzzle.
Equally as important, your emotions drive you. If they didn’t drive you, change and creating new habits wouldn’t be so hard. So how do you really want to feel? Yes, you can decide.
And those lovely people in your life, your community, they support and love you. Let them in.
This is your trifecta! Leverage them!
Enjoy this episode!
See Danielle LaPorte: https://www.thedesiremap.com/ for more on choosing how to feel.
It is hard work to create new habits and requires structure, techniques and a lot of meaning making. In this episode I share some nitty-gritty tips, techniques, and structures designed to make it enticing to get into the studio. I’ve used these techniques anytime I want to change or create a new habit from getting into the gym to making sure I leave time for my creative practice. These include creating goals, breaking them down, scheduling them, tracking them, rewarding yourself, making it easy and making other things hard… plus more.
And above all else continually practicing self-compassion. Always love yourself on this journey. Please Enjoy!
Do you struggle keeping a creative practice on a daily, weekly or monthly basis? Establishing an Art Ritual may be just what you need to tip your practice into a regular groove. In this episode I talk about why an Art Ritual is important and the three things you need for an Art Ritual; your Why and meaning, a sacred space, and an exercise that loves and nourishes you while warming you up for that feeling – which is the whole reason you love to create. Take a listen and tell me what you think!
There is nothing like travel to push you out of your comfort zone, introduce you to new ideas and new art forms, and expand your creative living and art-making potential. This podcast is dedicated to the inspirations and stories I explored in Marrakech and the Sahara with my family in December 2019. The sumptuous, exotic, intricate, elaborate, secrets, mysteries, expansive, paradoxical, artful world is a lovely labyrinth of inspiration. I hope you find this podcast inspirational too.
Here, we explore the nature of creativity, being human and how a creative practice can make us better humans and the world a better place.
I’m really excited about it. I’m also a little freaked out and … curious.
Three episodes are posted right now.
Can you listen to ONE or ALL of them? I love to listen to podcasts when I walk the dog, as I drive, as I paint, or even clean the house.
000: About Creative & Curious and Marika (about 3.5 minutes)
Learn more about why I created this podcast, what you can expect from me and how listening can help you keep creating!
001: Life Lessons of a Self-Taught Artist(about 30 minutes)
In this episode I explore what inspired me to pick up the paint brush and teach myself how to paint, how and who inspired me to do it, the obstacles I encountered, as well as discuss the lessons, advantages and particular gifts of being a self-taught artist.
002: 8 Examples to Prove You are Your Greatest Source of Inspiration (around 45 minutes)
Do you think you need to look outside yourself for inspiration? Likely Not. Here are 8 examples of how you can turn yourself into your greatest source of inspiration. I discuss how everything from play, trauma, setbacks and transitions can feed your creative life.
AND any help you can give to promote Creative and Curious is appreciated! Please consider doing ONE or ALL of the following:
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Share your thoughts, critiques and comments with me! I’m 100% sure Creative and Curious isn’t perfect, and I’d love your feedback. I won’t take anything personally. I’m committed to improving and making this my best podcast.
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Do you think you need to look outside yourself for inspiration? Likely Not. Here are 8 examples of how you can turn yourself into your greatest source of inspiration. I discuss how everything from play, trauma, setbacks and transitions can feed your creative life.
In this episode I explore what inspired me to pick up the paint brush and teach myself how to paint, how and who inspired me to do it, the obstacles I encountered, as well as discuss the lessons, advantages and particular gifts of being a self-taught artist.
It has been two years since my last Studio Party. Shortly after the 2017 party, I partnered with Airbnb and I’ve flourished as an art teacher since. I’ve led over a hundred watercolor and acrylic classes for vacationers, local creative explorers, birthday and anniversary parties, teambuilding sessions and on-site large corporate parties. I’ve met so many wonderful people, crafters, art-lovers, curious enthusiasts and many self-proclaimed un-artistic yet creative people. I’m blessed to host such diversity. After a varied 20-year career, I have unexpectedly fallen back in love with teaching.
This has transformed me and my space. The energy you brought has permeated my studio walls. It oozes your delightful energy and I’m the lucky kid that gets to play in all the good vibes. My studio has become a space of curiosity, creativity and light. I’m excited to pick up a brush and dip my fingers into the paint and go. There isn’t enough gratitude in the world to share with you all for this wonderful gift.
My work has changed significantly too. After a Flora Bowley Spring painting retreat in Portland, I came back to Seattle with new inspiration and new techniques. I’ve been immersed in acrylic fun. My style is looser, richer, more confident, deeper intuitively and varied. My inhibition has cracked and I approach painting with a new enjoyment and an addictive focused flow. In a regular day, it is hard to accomplish more than painting, other efforts have been put aside to simply explore where painting leads.
This led to my first group show at the Narthex Gallery in Magnolia this summer. It was a treat to be considered for this show and I loved seeing a couple of my paintings in a fresh new space. I’m honored to have been selected and grateful for the vision and mission of MAX, the organization that supported me in their efforts.
As the season turns and I reflect on all this change and growth, it’s clear to me it’s time to gather again.
To be honest, planning a studio party scares me to death. I’m not going to bore you my mental obstacles. I’ve broken through one with this post. Next, I will hit publish. I’m planning baby steps and staying present with trust in this path.
I’m a solid introvert. To gain energy, I paint. To feel connected, I have coffee with you one-on-one. To relax, I cuddle in bed with a book or my kids. As such, I’ve put extra thought into this party’s structure to cater to my wily temperament and hopefully make it more interesting and less exhausting for everyone.
This party is going to be different.
It’s going to be small and intimate.
It’s about exploring art and possibility.
It’s about storytelling.
It’s about connecting people.
It’s about making a difference.
You will have a chance to win a party
The details are below.
I hope you will come celebrate the last two years with me. I’m looking forward to reconnecting and sharing them with you.
With Love,
Two Sunday Evenings: November 10th and 17th 2019
Two Unique Events
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Storytelling Studio Walk-through
Capacity: 10 people
Learn the thought-provoking and inspiring stories behind my painting as we tour my home and art studio. During this time, I’ll share my unconventional un-artist-like history, my path to becoming a self-taught artist, my creative process and what inspires me as well as answer any questions you may have about this artist’s way of life.
Relax and mingle with good company and other art lovers as you explore available paintings and jewelry for sale in my studio. During this time, I will demonstrate my personal techniques and strategies of my process as I work on a painting-in-progress.
A healthy array of appetizers, wine & non-alcoholic beverages provided.
You and your friends may attend both events but need to reserve tickets for each event separately.
Location details will be provided upon confirmation of your reservation.
Win a Private Party for Six People
All attending guests will be entered into a drawing to win a Deluxe Make Jewelry from Watercolor Paintings Party for 6 that includes a full meal with wine and beverages. The date will be negotiated with the winner based on mutual availability and is good for the years 2019/20. A $400 value. Can’t attend? Make an online or in-studio purchase or donation at www.marikareinke.com/shop November 10th through the 17th 2019 to be entered in the drawing.
Watercolor Jewelry Party
Watercolor Jewelry Party
Work in Progress
Pendants from Parties
Pendants from Parties
Watercolor Jewelry Party
Committed to Making a Difference
CEPIA Women’s Reproductive Rights Program
25% of proceeds will be donated to the women’s empowerment and contraceptive efforts of CEPIA, a non-profit organization located in my temporary hometown of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. This organization strives to serve the basic and educational needs of the most disenfranchised and impoverished people of the area. I know the leadership personally, their passion and commitment to their community inspire all.
Specifically I’m supporting their current efforts for planned parenthood and access to IUDs for the women in the community. Women should not be made impoverished by their reproductive capacity. IUDs and safe contraception place the power to plan their future directly in a woman’s hands.
This is a FREE benefit event. I suggest a direct donation to CEPIA, Costa Rica of $10 + OR purchase gifts, art, and jewelry for a good cause. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.
CEPIA stands for Culture, Education and Psychology for Infants and Adolescents and is a Costa Rican nationally accredited non-profit organization that seeks to promote culture, health, sports and education for children and teenagers and their families from poor backgrounds in the communities of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. We’ve been active since 2005.
Poverty, violence, school drop outs, health problems, unemployment… all of these are an every day reality for thousands of children and families in Guanacaste. CEPIA supports 800 children and teenagers, and 600 adults from poor backgrounds yearly, through after-school programs, psychological help for victims, legal counseling, educational projects for high-risk youth, professional trainings, medical care, food banks, free computer access and a library. CEPIA received the French-German Prize of Human Rights 2012 in Costa Rica. Our founder and vice president Laetitia Deweer is selected as a Fellow of the Central America Leadership Initiative (CALI), a branch of the Aspen Institute. In August 2014, CEPIA built the Integrated Community Center, a model for community development, and human capital development.
Proyecto Vida Mujer Testimonio Zeneyda:
Listen to the testimony of women who have benefited from the copper IUD to prevent unwanted pregnancy’s.
Hi I want to motivate you to take advantage of this campaign that CEPIA is having in relation to the copper IUD. I want to tell you that I received one from the first campaign and it’s amazing. Take advantage of this opportunity to take control of your body and the kids you want to have. Forget about being worried about hormones and all of those things.
Proyecto Vida Mujer Roxana:
Listen to the testimony of women who have benefited from the copper IUD to prevent unwanted pregnancy’s.
I want to share with all of you that using the copper IUD and have sexual relations is completely normal. My husband and I thought that having sexual relations meant you would feel the copper IUD. But it wasn’t like that. It is completely normal having sexual relations with the copper IUD. I feel really happy about that and I invite you to come to CEPIA and to not miss out on this opportunity to use the copper IUD.
You and your friends may attend both events but need to reserve tickets for each event separately.
Location details will be provided upon confirmation of your reservation.
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