Category: A Life of Art Blog

Found in the River (c) Marika Reinke

Found in the River

Found in the River (c) Marika Reinke
Found in the River (c) Marika Reinke


In a still moment,

a blind hand reaches into the river

to retrieve its sweet vision.

Watercolor 16” x 12”





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Still Motion by Marika Reinke 4' x 3' Acrylic Commission

Still Motion

Still Motion
Still Motion (c) Marika Reinke 2016

Still Motion

Ever present movement and complete stillness.

Acrylic on Canvas

36″ x 48″

Marika Reinke

This custom painting was a commission and is installed at a home in Las Catalinas resort at Playa Danta, Costa Rica. 


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My Jungle

My Jungle



My jungle is not green, Nor any quiet color. My jungle is not silent, Because she squeaks and yawns unlike an ordered universe. My jungle is not still, Its movement flows in winds and rivers. My jungle blooms, and swallows, sighs in heaves, it splatters and disconnects and re-puzzles. She does not know she is a mystery.   She is my jungle.

Watercolor 12” x 16”

Marika Reinke 2016



Currently installed at Sage Brush Art Studio, Brasilito Costa Rica


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Suenos, el Deseo y el Tesoro

Sueños, el Deseo y el Tesoro



boundless dreams and stirring desire.


a thunderous crack of a heart opening.


ever-changing treasure found.


Acrylic on Canvas 72” x 54”

(c) Marika Reinke 2016



Currently installed at Sage Brush Art Studio, Brasilito Costa Rica


[email protected]


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Jewels, Dreams and Metaphors

These are beautiful one-of-a-kind original watercolor painting necklaces. They sparkle, a luscious punch of style, like jewels but crafted with iridescent, gold, silver and vivid luxurious pigments. Practically, they are durably sealed to outlast Costa Rican heat and water (please don't put them in the laundry though!). Ultimately, they are meaningful gifts that seal friendship, memories, love and self.

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On the Cover

It is official.  Goodbye Adrian made the cover of the German magazine raum & zeit (Space & Time).  The magazine runs in print and is available in Germany.  I have a few copies in Seattle but none in Costa Rica.     Seite 001 Titel 201.indd

How did this happen?

I was discovered online.  The magazine did a review of possible covers and Goodbye Adrian won the honor.

Goodbye Adrian (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Goodbye Adrian (c) Marika Reinke

Yes, they contacted me for permission and paid me fairly for the use of my artwork. In a digital age, there are still organizations that respect copyright and the work of artists.

It goes without saying, but I’ll say it.  I’m honored.

Despite being on a hiatus from almost everything in Costa Rica my art and Adrian can take on a life of their own.

This work is a story of miscarriage, a story of meaning-making from loss, a closing, as well as a story of hope and beauty in the tragic.

This story, not an easy one, is being honored and being seen.  It gives me hope for my art, the world and women.

And I keep painting.  🙂


Original Available: $500 + shipping

Prints available: $75

Email me for details.


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Freedom (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Constraints and Freedom

“I always finish a painting in a day – max 2 days” she said.  And I thought Wow.

“I can work on a painting for up to 6 months.” was my response.

We both looked at each other in awe.

The creative process takes many forms and there is no one right way.  But lately, I have been exploring my limits and then pushing them.

What  if I’m abusing the seemingly Unlimited and Abundant?  In this case – Time?  So I experimented.

I sat down and painted these three 12″ x 16″ watercolors with these constraint;  paint for 2 hours max and when the time is done, you are done, no fixing, no double backing, no thinking about it – You Are Done. 

Here is what I learned:

Constraints paradoxically Facilitate Freedom. Without a time constraint, there was actually too much to consider and too much time to think about it.  I moved forward from stroke to stroke without doubt because there was not time for doubt!

Constraints provide Focus. With a constraint, I knew I had to finish and with that tension came precision in my artistic decision making.

Constraints encourage Experimentation. Knowing I had to finish on time, made me more likely to try some things I wouldn’t have before and to follow my instincts as I painted.

Breaking Down Limits yields an Abundance of Creative Energy.  Since trying this experiment, my work has exploded and creative blocks have disappeared.  I’ve grown more appreciative of my technical capacity and believe in my ability to do this work.  And I more implicitly trust my artistic instincts.

I’ve come to regard the practice of painting with constraints like writing freely in a journal.  Set a timer, choose the colors and just paint, see what happens, follow your instincts, Let Go and the world opens up.


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Storm (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Storm (c) Marika Reinke 2015

A Story:

There are  incredible storms in Costa Rica, but none match the one I’ve lately tended to inside. A little over two months ago, I left my burgeoning art career in Seattle to move to rural Costa Rica.  And my identity was lifted in the air and then…what?

The storm and dissonance are my path now.  I have relearned firsthand that the moments when identity is challenged are powerfully formative, if uncomfortable.

Almost nightly,  I watch lightning, matched by rainy sheets, occasional torrents and echoing thunder. And I breathe deep, bracing myself with who I am and want to be; an artist, a writer, a mom, a wife, an entrepreneur, strong, starting over and learning to enjoy the stormy ride.

Watercolor 24″ x 18″

To Buy

Original $400

Prints will be available soon.


[email protected]

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Are you looking for inspiration?  A little down to earth reflection and renewal?  Want to stay current on what’s new and what to expect from Marika?  My emails are food for thought packaged with color, soul and humor.

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The Wise Little Sloth

The Wise Little Sloth (c) Marika Reinke
The Wise Little Sloth (c) Marika Reinke


This Wise Little Sloth has taught me to follow my path, play in the soulful, pay attention to signs, have faith in my craft and always stay true to myself.  This moment is almost always joyful.  Leave space for joy, there is no use forcing it, it will come.

Watercolor 12″ x 12″

Original is Sold (Commission)

To Buy

Prints are available as low as $17 on Marika’s Fine Art America Page Here.


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Are you looking for inspiration?  A little down to earth reflection and renewal?  Want to stay current on what’s new and what to expect from Marika?  My emails are food for thought packaged with color, soul and humor.

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Loss (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Loss (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Loss is felt as much as for what we have as for what we think we could have had. A wound and scar, internally, spiritually, emotionally. We carry on, even thrive, but the wound reverberates.

Watercolor 19″ x 19″

Original is Sold.

This painting was a commission. My client wanted me to paint the feeling of loss that comes from a wound unreconciled.  Both visceral and emotional.    A tight twinning of psychology and body.


[email protected]

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Are you looking for inspiration?  A little down to earth reflection and renewal?  Want to stay current on what’s new and what to expect from Marika?  My emails are food for thought packaged with color, soul and humor.

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