Category: Writing

Dear Mexico, I Love You is Ready for You

All formats of my first romance novel, Dear Mexico, I Love You are now available on Amazon and all I can say is – Wow! It’s my novel’s birthday.

It was an awesome feeling receiving proof copies this week. Having a real live book in my hand after two years writing her was an unbeatable feeling.  I love it.  But waiting for this day has been both exciting and nerve racking. From elation, to doubt and worry, I’ve had all kinds of feelings since I finished the manuscript. And now it’s done.  She’s in your hands.

If you like a spicy romance, travel, and a good chuckle, then I think you would like this little love story. I hope she makes you feel something like what I felt writing her. I’d love to hear what you think.

And thank you for all your well wishes and to the people who placed pre-orders, too.  What a surprise! Your support is so valuable to me.  I’ve felt a bit like a social hermit as I worked on Dear Mexico, I Love You the last couple of years.  It feels good that there are people still here to cheer me on.  Thank you.

My First Novel Feels Amazing

I woke up this morning and it felt like my birthday.  Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything, it’s not. This kind of birthday has nothing to do with how many trips I’ve made around the sun.  It’s more like I’ve been prepping for a transformation, and I’ve finally done it. I’m new.

The last two years, my internal world has been a wonderful riot. I’ve been writing through a fantastic creative flow that guided me to draft three romance novels in a series.  Yesterday, I finally handed off my first completed manuscript. After writing, editing, proofing, rereading and more, my heart tells me it’s done.

My first published novel, Dear Mexico, I Love You will be available on Amazon on June 1st as an eBook, paperback, and hardcover.

Dear Mexico, I Love You by Marika Reinke
Dear Mexico, I Love You by Marika Reinke

Dear Mexico, I Love You is a spicey second chance romance with a fairytale twist.  If you like a sexy romance, travel, and a good chuckle, this book is for you. Believe me, the only way I could have read its drafts so many times was if it entertained me. It does. I truly love this book.

For more, you can read Dear Mexico, I Love You’s description on her Amazon page now. When you read the full novel, I hope she makes you feel any fraction of the fun it felt to write her. I’d love to hear what you think.

And surprise, I’m a romance novelist! Maybe it surprises you, but it certainly surprises me. Yes, I’ve had a long-term dream to write a novel most of my life, but romance? I didn’t see it coming.  At one time, I’m humbled to admit that I thought the genre was beneath me, but I grew up and got lighter. It turns out that, for me, exploring the romance genre is an unbelievably fun ride.

I promise I’ll send you a reminder on her birthday because that is a real cause to celebrate.

Until June 1st.

Marika’s New Romance Series is Coming Soon!

After an extended silence, I’m pleased to announce that Book 1 of my Synergy Romance series will be released soon! The series has been my creative passion and focus for the last year and a half.  Please stay tuned for more as I adjust to the fact that my babies are soon going to be born! In the meantime, here is a sneak peek:  

Dear Mexico, I Love You

A sexy second chance romance with a fairytale twist.

Two travelers. A once-in-a-lifetime trip. As many chances as it takes to get it right …

River secretly hates Mexico. Before he returns to London, he hopes his last backpacking stop on his year-long world tour will be an exciting and exotic highpoint, but it has only been a series of missed opportunities and disappointments.   

On her mission to reclaim discarded dreams after unpredictable loss, Sedona left her job and sold everything in Portland, Oregon to travel solo. Her first stop is Mexico.  Surrounded by its vibrant culture and inspiring beauty, she falls in love with the country and begins to find herself again.

Chance after chance, River and Sedona keep meeting and can’t deny their attraction. When they finally surrender to their chemistry, fate leads them into an unforgettably sexy, adventurous, passionate affair across Mexico and Guatemala that teaches them a new meaning of love and healing.

After only two weeks together, they know their worlds will never be the same, but their time together is limited. They believe they will never see each other again when River returns to London.

But fate has other plans.   

A Synergy Romance: Book 1

Which book cover do you prefer? 

Dear Mexico, I Love You (c) Marika Reinke 2023

Dear Mexico, I Love You (c) Marika Reinke 2023

Finding Ease

Ease is radical counter-culture that requires personal trickery and magic because our popular culture pushes us towards the opposite; dis-ease and not good enough.  With the popular mindset we cover up our true natures with workaholism, entertainment, politics, crisis and constant striving for more and more and more.  But wait, just breath a moment, because right now is fantastically perfect. All those worries just don’t exist except in your mind. We are on an incredible journey through space and time and with each clock-hand shift unfolds another incredible new mystery with beautiful worry-less ease.  The universe aids us, yet we resist.

In the keynote address Elizabeth Gilbert shared at Wanderlust Oahu, she talked about this conundrum from a woman’s vantage point. A “Relaxed Woman” is a cultural oddity. She wondered what it takes for a woman to relax and find ease and shared her noodling about what she reckoned was required for a woman to simply let go, relax and accept the universe’s wisdom.  There were three ingredients to her magic potion that I love so much.

  • Priorities. Know what you value and what is important to you.  Keep your focus there.
  • Boundaries. Know what is sacred in your life and relationships, draw a circle around these sacred principles and stand firm. Spend time understanding your needs.  Spend time gently standing firm and comfortable in your sacred.  People won’t always respect your boundaries, but ease isn’t found with people who trample on boundaries either.  Find people in your life that respect and love you for your boundaries.
  • The Divine. Develop an intentional relationship with Divinity or Mysticism. There is more than the physical on this planet and you don’t need religion to explore it. Convene with your soul, celebrate your spirit and hunt out connections in nature and the universe. Meditate. Reflect. Get curious about the unknown.

Real wisdom and food for the soul, so simple and yet always a practice.

C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

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Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:

25. power

There are two types of power; traditional and authentic.

Accumulating traditional power demands sacrifice for a well-understood balance; power must be earned by privilege and accumulated.  Traditionally, status, money, fame, and politics demand specific expenses. Time for money. Privacy for fame. Quietude for politics. Authenticity for status. Responsibility for influence. These are economic exchanges that offer calculable and physical profits; requirements are met, titles are gained, tribes grow, conquests are made.  It is power created and maintain by externalities.

Authentic power exists in love, truth, creativity, spirit, integrity, hope, joy, spirituality and even childbirth. With authentic power we are reminded we are co-creators of this astonishing life, not the gatekeepers to the traditional and mundane. Power is seeded internally and then nurtured.  Authentic power exists without rules of economics or privilege to validate it.  More threatening, this is proof that a creative force is alive and powerful in anybody. Authentic power is not an exchange, it is a fact of living. A woman, an artist, a human being on the verge of creation, art-making, expressing authentic truth and human right is about to inaugurate a miracle and confirm, once again, that there is a universal alternative power. Authentic power is free. It’s inside us, expressed in creative endeavors and among those we connect and love. It is the ultimate empowering life-source; free, abundant, and available.

For self-conscious and insecure humans, any power is a tempting target. Economics of power are always at play. It is not unlikely that someone or some institution will test the title to his/her influence. The traditionally power-starved or hungry will think, perhaps unconsciously, “I can take a little bit of this power and I will feel so much better, so much more in control.” A sweet piece of someone else’s authentic power is a battle trophy that feeds a human desire to feel powerful. Perhaps that is why authentic power is diminished into the frivolous; even as battles continue over reproductive rights.

Imagine a world where we chose authentic power. Sure a little traditional power might keep us in line. But if we all claimed and honored that authentic power in all of us, it would change the world.

C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

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Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:

24. resolve

I find daily practice tedious.  Really, I do.  Even with a morning ritual, I would rather have daily variety than a predictable plan.

An unpredictable day lifts me from monotonous self-talk. Instead of the self-same stories, I can create detached fables in my head. This protagonist is confident, capable, able to adjust and flex my muscles into any new challenge.  I can surprise myself. With new context, I am awed like a newborn.  It’s a joy to be different, just different.

In contrast, day by day progress is a slow measure; an increment here, a millimeter there and then a few subtractions just to rub it in.

It’s the reason I need my daily practice.

C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

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Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:

23 Morning Ritual

Coffee. Journal. Meditation. Movement. My morning ritual.

Some people swear a ritual makes the day better.  Some days, I swear if a day could be worse, what would it be without it?

It is better than rushing out the door as I gulp down my coffee and stuff my face. It’s better than a never-ending ache for time alone to think. It’s better than insisting I don’t have time to pay myself some time. My time is the morning and my quiet, rhythmic ritual.

It’s like a warm up for a workout; a necessary prelude to the day. The older I get, the more I need it too. My body-mind won’t operate without a little shaking out each morning.

I return from the ritual a little cleaner. The world a little neater. My mind a slight more organized. Nothing perfect, but I’ve swiped more ready-energy and dusted my nerves with calm.

The day’s remainder is hardly habit and anti-ritual. I can invite its un-structure now.

C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

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Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:

22. better than

A wise person claims that asking yourself, “Am I better than yesterday?” is a powerful daily life practice.  Whether the answer is “Yes” or “No” during the pursuit of mastery, the practitioner’s reply must be a life-affirming, “Yes, I’m getting better at this because I practice.” Wisdom claims that answer drives doggedness through the stagnant times and frustration.

Easier said than done.

I reflect on my own pursuits which spread across parenting, painting, writing, climbing, fitness, mindfulness and admit there is no clear and simple answer.  I have given up in the past.  I’ve conceded defeat.  I’ve believed I can’t do better. I have many excuses too, and I hate excuses. I’ve discovered that what you might call my doggedness is not certitude, but an overall concession and helpless defeat that I can’t do anything else than this.

So, without anything better to do, I continue to practice. Sometimes I remember to ask myself.  “Am I better than yesterday?”  But mostly I don’t.

Then, sometimes I come across a project or circumstance that reveals my progress and I get a second wind. This painting is it.  It is my answer to the question.  Yes, today I am better than yesterday.

C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

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Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:

21. The Bucket

Friendship is a like a bucket two people work to fill with Good. The fuller it is, the more stable and long lasting a friendship, the emptier and the more precarious.  Good times, trust, presence, laughter, listening, giving, integrity, and love all fill the bucket. 

Investing in a loaded bucket creates a lasting friendship because sometimes we mess up. Dishonesty, disappearing, not showing up, silence, smothering, missing being there and other dissatisfying behaviors take from the bucket.  If the bucket is full enough, the friendship can last a transgression with tons leftover to cushion a mistake. A good friend will start to fill it up again. If the bucket isn’t nurtured, a transgression or two can grind down a fledgling friendship before it can bloom.

The bucket is sacred. A friend that doesn’t understand or abuses the bucket wears a friendship down. A friend that that respects the bucket will last forever.      


C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

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Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here:

20. what do you want?

“Mom! I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.” An eye roll emphasized her tweeny exasperation.

“I don’t care about what you are going to be.” I said. “You will be a lot of different things. I want an idea of what you want.”

She shrugged, but her eyes stayed on me.

“I always wanted time to paint and write.” I illustrated. “Now, here I am with the time to do it”

She nodded, so I kept talking.

“Your dad always wanted to be successful. It matters less what he is, it’s the success he wants and motivates him.”

“Some people want an ambulance.” She elaborated. Our friends recently bought an out-of-commission ambulance, it’s true. “But others want to go to Mexico.”

“And others want to take a year and half off and live in Costa Rica.” I winked. That was a couple of years ago.

“So, what do you want?” I asked again.

I can’t wait to find out.

C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

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Make jewelry from watercolor paintings with me! Book a workshop or party thru here: