Category: 2023

Marika’s New Romance Series is Coming Soon!

After an extended silence, I’m pleased to announce that Book 1 of my Synergy Romance series will be released soon! The series has been my creative passion and focus for the last year and a half.  Please stay tuned for more as I adjust to the fact that my babies are soon going to be born! In the meantime, here is a sneak peek:  

Dear Mexico, I Love You

A sexy second chance romance with a fairytale twist.

Two travelers. A once-in-a-lifetime trip. As many chances as it takes to get it right …

River secretly hates Mexico. Before he returns to London, he hopes his last backpacking stop on his year-long world tour will be an exciting and exotic highpoint, but it has only been a series of missed opportunities and disappointments.   

On her mission to reclaim discarded dreams after unpredictable loss, Sedona left her job and sold everything in Portland, Oregon to travel solo. Her first stop is Mexico.  Surrounded by its vibrant culture and inspiring beauty, she falls in love with the country and begins to find herself again.

Chance after chance, River and Sedona keep meeting and can’t deny their attraction. When they finally surrender to their chemistry, fate leads them into an unforgettably sexy, adventurous, passionate affair across Mexico and Guatemala that teaches them a new meaning of love and healing.

After only two weeks together, they know their worlds will never be the same, but their time together is limited. They believe they will never see each other again when River returns to London.

But fate has other plans.   

A Synergy Romance: Book 1

Which book cover do you prefer? 

Dear Mexico, I Love You (c) Marika Reinke 2023

Dear Mexico, I Love You (c) Marika Reinke 2023

Art Walk Party and Show at Village Medicine

I’m thrilled to announce that I have twenty paintings on display at Village Medicine until May. Even better, the clinic is hosting an Art Walk Party on March 11th from 6-8 pm.

I’d would love to see you there.

You can expect all the good things: art, refreshments and great people. It’s also a chance to participate in the Ballard Art Walk and support local business, artists and the community.

Village Medicine
5600 14th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107