Magic Starts with Ideas (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Magic Starts with Ideas (c) Marika Reinke 2015

How to Make Magic: A 6 Step Primer (Part 1 of 3)

Step 1.  Believe

If you want to make magic, you have to believe in magic. If you don’t believe in magic, you should stop reading.

Go for a walk. Go meditate. Do some yoga.  Spend some time alone.  Reflect.  Think.  Journal.  Stand on a mountain top and notice.  Notice your breath.  Notice the air.  Notice the feel of your skin.  Notice your body and heartbeat.  Notice how it feels to be alive.  Notice that everything “living” and “not-living” around you is alive.

If you are not noticing, this will not work.

Notice, until you understand.  Once you understand, notice until you believe. Always notice.

Magic is real.  Magic is in every moment.  

When you believe this, then you believe in magic.

This part is very important step and you can not skip it.  If you don’t believe in magic, magic will never find you.  You must believe.  

Belief is the very first ingredient in your magic potion.

the First Ingredient for Magic: Believe (c) Marika Reinke 2015
the First Ingredient for Magic: Believe (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Step 2: Pick an Idea

Magic starts with an idea and sometimes many ideas.

Magic Starts with Ideas (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Magic Starts with Ideas (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Ideas are not hard.  The truth is you are already living many ideas and you have made many come true.  Hear that? You have already used magic and it has worked for you.

These ideas may not be the ideas you want to come true but they are the ones you *most* believe in (see step 1).

You are the sum of the ideas that you most believe in yourself which includes ideas created by you or others.

Defined by Ideas (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Defined by Ideas (c) Marika Reinke 2015

This is important.  Ideas define you. 

Magic is the alchemy of turning an Idea into a Reality.  Therefor:

You are walking and talking magic. 

That is kind of awesome.  Isn’t it?

Warning: Many of the ideas that you have right now are going to stop you from achieving the magic you want.

Ideas Can Be Obstacles (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Ideas Can Be Obstacles (c) Marika Reinke 2015

You have a barrier of ideas, conscious or unconscious, that you MUST examine honestly.

Critical Warning:  You must nourish the life-affirming ideas and banish the stuck life-draining ideas in order to bring magic into your life.

This is hard work!  A critical step in your magic-making apprenticeship. Do not underestimate it!   

Keep your empowering ideas, feed and grow them. Eject the ones that make you feel bad or talk them down to size so they have no  power over you.   Keep doing this, over and over again.

Tending to Ideas (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Tending to Ideas (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Always, hold your ideas loosely.  Do not let them crowd, squash or define you.  You are dynamic and ever changing and your ideas must be able to grow with you.

Take some time here.  Be honest with yourself.  Work hard at it.  For magic to happen, you must always tend to your ideas.  It is a practice, not an end result. You must practice.

Are you ready?

Now, let’s experiment.

Pick a good Idea.  Pick a life-affirming Idea that will change your world.  Pick an Idea that will make you happy.   Pick a big, enormous, scary Idea that makes your stomach turn in knots.  Pick an Idea that you think you will fail.  Or that people won’t understand.  Or people will laugh at.  Or pick a small Idea and see what happens. Experiment.  Pick an Idea, a good one, one that makes you feel like a good person, a better person and one that you can believe in.

Add it to the potion.

Add an Idea to the Potion (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Add an Idea to the Potion (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Let them steep a bit and work on your belief (step 1), your ideas that hold you back, ideas that nourish you and make sure this Idea is the one you really want to happen.

While you wait for for our potion to cook; journal, walk, think, reflect and start to paint a picture about what living with this Idea would look like.

Part 2 will depend on this.

To be continued next week…  Part 2 is now posted here. 


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  1. Thanks! Thanks for the reblog too. I’m glad you liked it. Writing it this was is really helping me with my own process too. Im happy it resonates!

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