At my studio party on Saturday, a few people asked me last night if it was hard to let my paintings go. And I answered no. As I’ve let them go one by one I have prepared myself for each sale and it has felt good. I love my new profession.
That night was a good night. Beyond expectations.
Six of my originals sold and all ten original watercolor pendants as well as many prints and scarves and cards. At one point there was a line for sales and our house was hard to move in. My husband commandeered me; no more socializing, I had to help him take credit cards.
After everyone left, I finally had a glass of wine. The next day I tried to let it sink in. There is a strange disconnection that occurs for me as I watch my goals unfold. It takes me awhile to quit doing and just absorb the reality, the lovely reality. I’m flying.
My husband, family and I chatted about what went well and what could go better. I had a goal for 2015 to sell 10 original paintings, I’ve already exceeded this. I need a new goal. My son says maybe I should set a goal to make ten million dollars. 🙂
He knows I like to say anything is possible.
As I looked at this bare wall I ached a little bit at this mass departing. In a good way, it is bittersweet and joyful, but there is a little ache. Painting is an act of love and I love each one like a child or piece of me. They are moving on to loving homes.
The sale of the originals are the hardest parting. They carry the handprints of my thoughts, reflection, and the love and ache of painting. And the people who bought them will forever be stamped with the memories and emotions embedded in them. We are merged in some way, some friends and some strangers. That is what makes the parting so sweet and satisfying.
In memory and appreciation the following originals have moved on or will be shortly moving on.

And the watercolor pendants which lived such a short life in my hands! They are all gone! I love them and like children, I’m excited for the next phase of their lives.
And I’m incredibly grateful for the support of the community. What a wonderful lift off. Thank you!
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Congratulations!!! I’m very happy for you! I’ve been wondering how it went. Wow!!! :)))) Sounds like you had a good time. It’s nice your babies found loving homes. :)))
I echo your sentiments. It was hard to let go of my art when I had only a few pieces. But now with over 100 originals in my inventory, I would seel anything in a moment. I’ve always said that my limited editions look just like the original watercolors, and if I really missed my originals, I could custom frame the limited editions and hang them on my wall. After ten years, I have yet to frame a single limited edition. I guess when they multiply, we aren’t as attached. I loved reading this, thank you for posting it.
Thank you David. Yes, I imagine when I’ve got more inventory I won’t mind the parting as much. Kind of like having 100 kids (dear lord!) as opposed to 2. Lol. I’ve told myself the same about my prints, but I think I won’t as well. The originals have your soul in them…and I guess that is what I’m hanging on the wall. Plus it seems to keep me moving forward in my craft, instead of lingering in the past.
Thanks Laura – you really are wonderful.
It’s YOU that’s wonderful. You must still be tired from that very busy event! *tucks Marika back to bed with an extra dose of joy* lol
Lol! Definitely been recovering on many levels! Also trying to untangle the paperwork from sales. I need a new process. It is 530 am here….sleep sounds good. ?
Unloading sales certainly made me prolific without even thinking about it. At one point I had 27 custom framed watercolors in my possession. I’ve grown from making 15 watercolors per year to over 100, and I have a full time job.
That is an incredible pace! Definitely something to aspire to!
Wow, this sounds all so good and amazing!!! I´m very happy for you! Congratulations on selling so many paintings and on even exceeding your goals, this is wonderful!!! You´re a huge inspiration to me, thank you!
It was a little unbelievable. You can do it Ann!
Congratulations! I’m so glad it was a success and not surprised. The paintings above are…Wow…spectacular! You’ve inspired me
Hey thanks! I say go for it, and don’t let the doubts hold you back. I had a lot of them leading up to this, but I just tried to leave them as thoughts, not actions. Glad I did 😉