Tag: colorful watercolors for sale

Resonate Watercolor Painting Necklace by Marika Reinke 2017

Watercolor Painting Necklaces

Really, you don’t have to wear a necklace.  Most of the time, why worry about it?  It isn’t an essential and most of the time, they are for people that are into fashion trends and style magazines.

But a necklace isn’t always about style or trends. Instead, a necklace can be about inner beauty, strength, and courage.

There are times when self-expression is a necessary luxury and peace of mind, like settling the nerves of an upcoming public speaking engagement, garnering courage to ask for a promotion, vulnerable moments when a little pop of color brings much needed cheer, or a gentle reminder in troubled times that this too shall pass and is an opportunity to grow. There are times when a necklace expresses, grounds, reminds and protects you. And you deserve it.

A necklace can speak to and for you.  Only you know when you look at it and say, “Yes, this is me! It is about me!”

That’s why I paint these watercolor necklaces; to connect you to the truth of you when you need it; everyday, some days or on special occasions.

Which one expresses you? Shop my Jewelry Store Here.

Which One Expresses You: Watercolor Painting Necklace by Marika Reinke 2017
Which One Expresses You: Watercolor Painting Necklace by Marika Reinke 2017


I paint them one by one

I start with pure intuition, inspiration and high quality watercolors then let these paintings emerge from the paintbrush and intention. The result is a unique little painting that sparkles like a jewel and tells a story that, I believe, will connect with just the right person. The essence of that story is captured with a short original poem that I write and deliver with each one.

Watercolor Paintings in Progress by Marika Reinke 2017
Watercolor Paintings in Progress by Marika Reinke 2017

Believe me, I don’t finish a painting, unless I think it is perfect, even if it means waiting again for another dot to dry.  When I reach that moment and I’m sure, I begin to frame them in glass, name and sign them, and seal them with a durable diamond glaze. The complete process can take 2-3 days with many settled moments waiting for paint, glaze and glue to dry in between.

The best part is when everyone comes together; a painting, a poem, a watercolor necklace find the perfect person who cherishes this piece of art as truest self-expression.

Which one expresses you? Shop my Jewelry Store Here.

Each is Original

My bestselling watercolor necklaces are completely unique.  No two are alike and no painting is ever copied.  Once the perfect necklace is in its owner’s hands, that necklace has found its soul mate.  If you think you’ve found yours, believe it. It was made for you.

My Guarantee

I offer a 100% money back guarantee, if you aren’t satisfied I will refund your money or exchange it for the right watercolor necklace for you.

Wear a necklace that expresses you.

Shop my Jewelry Store Here.

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Found in the River (c) Marika Reinke

Found in the River

Found in the River (c) Marika Reinke
Found in the River (c) Marika Reinke


In a still moment,

a blind hand reaches into the river

to retrieve its sweet vision.

Watercolor 16” x 12”





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The Wise Little Sloth

The Wise Little Sloth (c) Marika Reinke
The Wise Little Sloth (c) Marika Reinke


This Wise Little Sloth has taught me to follow my path, play in the soulful, pay attention to signs, have faith in my craft and always stay true to myself.  This moment is almost always joyful.  Leave space for joy, there is no use forcing it, it will come.

Watercolor 12″ x 12″

Original is Sold (Commission)

To Buy

Prints are available as low as $17 on Marika’s Fine Art America Page Here.


[email protected]

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Are you looking for inspiration?  A little down to earth reflection and renewal?  Want to stay current on what’s new and what to expect from Marika?  My emails are food for thought packaged with color, soul and humor.

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seaprints (c) Marika Reinke 2015


seaprints (c) Marika Reinke 2015
seaprints (c) Marika Reinke 2015


The sea is a literary being.  It’s waves finger the sand with hieroglyphs and symbols leaving a puzzle of stories.  We have slight moments to code-cipher that which we can’t know with any sense but the heart.

Watercolor 10″ x 7″


[email protected]


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I offer special deals and offers to my Facebook fans.   Come join me at Marika’s Art Studio

Inside Green 2 copyright Marika Reinke

Goodbyes and Good News

At my studio party on Saturday, a few people asked me last night if it was hard to let my paintings go. And I answered no. As I’ve let them go one by one I have prepared myself for each sale and it has felt good. I love my new profession.

 That night was a good night. Beyond expectations.

Six of my originals sold and all ten original watercolor pendants as well as many prints and scarves and cards.  At one point there was a line for sales and our house was hard to move in.  My husband commandeered me; no more socializing, I had to help him take credit cards.

After everyone left, I finally had a glass of wine.  The next day I tried to let it sink in. There is a strange disconnection that occurs for me as I watch my goals unfold.  It takes me awhile to quit doing and just absorb the reality, the lovely reality. I’m flying.

My husband, family and I chatted about what went well and what could go better. I had a goal for 2015 to sell 10 original paintings, I’ve already exceeded this.  I need a new goal. My son says maybe I should set a goal to make ten million dollars.  🙂

He knows I like to say anything is possible.

After the Studio Party
After the Studio Party

As I looked at this bare wall I ached a little bit at this mass departing. In a good way, it is bittersweet and joyful, but there is a little ache. Painting is an act of love and I love each one like a child or piece of me. They are moving on to loving homes.

The sale of the originals are the hardest parting.  They carry the handprints of my thoughts, reflection, and the love and ache of painting.  And the people who bought them will forever be stamped with the memories and emotions embedded in them. We are merged in some way, some friends and some strangers. That is what makes the parting so sweet and satisfying.

In memory and appreciation the following originals have moved on or will be shortly moving on.

2014: Three Friendships Lost copyright Marika Reinke
2014: Three Friendships Lost copyright Marika Reinke
Seashell Collectionn (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Seashell Collectionn (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Inside Green 2 copyright Marika Reinke
Inside Green 2 copyright Marika Reinke
A Light Embrace (c) Marika Reinke 2015
A Light Embrace (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Casting Prayers in Puerto Vallarta (c) Marika Reinke
Casting Prayers in Puerto Vallarta (c) Marika Reinke
2011: Dragon in the Tree copyright Marika Reinke
2011: Dragon in the Tree copyright Marika Reinke

And the watercolor pendants which lived such a short life in my hands! They are all gone! I love them and like children, I’m excited for the next phase of their lives.

There is lots of good news but the best news is I’ve got some serious painting to do!

And I’m incredibly grateful for the support of the community.  What a wonderful lift off.  Thank you!


[email protected]


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I offer special deals and offers to my Facebook fans.   Come join me at Marika’s Art Studio

getting setup for a party

Plans and Confessions

March 28th, I’m having my first Studio Party at my house.  And I’m just going to confess this: I’m excited but terrified.  If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn’t do this. But, I know I have to. My husband insisted and he is even more of an introvert than I am.   I can’t say that I want to be an artist and not invite people to enjoy my work.  Well, duh.

In many ways, this will be a coming out.  This is the official event announcing my transformation from teaching faculty to professional artist. It really is something to celebrate!

But on my list of things I’m not so comfortable with: crowds and being the center of attention. Sigh.

I actually like a good party.  And I love to eat. And don’t get me started about wine. 🙂  And I love that art is about people and relationships.  I love the mutual gift that is art-making.

So head down, I persist.  We will have art, gift cards, scarves, some pendants, wine (for my nerves) and appetizers.

So far we expect maybe 40 people. I will see good friends, old colleagues and a good handful will be bringing friends and people I don’t know.

And another plus; I’m going to apply to some art fairs this year.  The jurors want a picture of an art booth.  So in the next few days, I’m transforming the dining room into an art booth for the Studio Party.  Why not?

My vision; navy walls, cream and/or gold tablecloths, classic wood furniture, accents of burgundy and fiery orange.  Flowers and chocolate.  Paintings dripping from the walls and furniture.  Classy, formal and someplace you want to stay and peek around for awhile.

I can hear my husband rolling his eyes.  Me and my visions mean a lot of work for him.

Wish me luck! I can’t wait to see some of you soon!

Daire's Dragon (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Daire’s Very Not Perfect and Wonderfully Uncompromising Dragon

Daire's Dragon (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Daire’s Dragon (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Daire’s Dragon

I breath fire, water and stars on rainbows in the moonlight.  Who says it can’t be so? I will turn them into air.

Watercolor 18″ x 24″ 

The Story

This is not a perfect painting.  By far, it is a lesson in the art of imperfection.  The wobbly line, the chaotic scales, the tail that swells and recedes, the messy colors and shadows, and my incredible frustration with everything about it.

Dragon Tail detail
Dragon Tail detail
Dragon Head Detail
Dragon Head Detail

(As I painted this the paper popped off its board, rolled up and buckled. I was too in love with the dragon to stop and try again.)

It popped off the board and curled
It popped off the board and curled

There are so many mistakes hidden in this painting and there are many, many lessons.

It is not a cartoon, not “high art”, not digitally enhanced or animated and very likely not what you think but maybe what you somehow know is true.

It is my son’s wholehearted and exuberant belief that he can have everything including the “impossible” and “magical”.

And like him,  we need impractical, imperfect, uncompromising magic. Yes, you do. Because life is only explicable to a point.  That blank space, the “I don’t know”, the “science can’t explain”, is where magic thrives, and this dragon lives folding her wings welcoming us to understand this:

We are creatures of magic; the everyday act of living.  

As I worked through the frustration of this very not perfect yet uncompromising painting I began to believe this as well:

Perfection is the enemy of magic.   

We have had it all wrong.

There is no such thing as “perfection”.

And that is real life magic.


Original Available: $400


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Daire's Dragon Photo 4 (c) Marika Reinke 2015

Scream. Cry. Love. Hate. Repeat

Daire's Dragon Photo 4 (c) Marika Reinke 2015
Daire’s Dragon Photo 4 (c) Marika Reinke 2015


I’ve been sporadically working on my son’s Dragon and have some  in-progress pictures here.  I was inspired by a picture he drew with passionate energy.  The post has been a lovely vignette of an enchanting kids painting in-progress (written with a touch of sarcasm).  

But now

I could scream 

Maybe I did.  I can’t remember clearly.  There was a rush of something – maybe adrenaline – that clouded my vision, my heart beat accelerated and a trembling wave of shock radiated from my chest.  Thinking rationally – gone.  Control of my hands – gone.

The watercolor has a mind of its own! I can’t control it! Oh My God!  Its running all the way into the green!  The yellow!  Oh no the yellow! All the hours in this painting lost.  Where are the Q-Tips! They aren’t working!  F*ck Watercolors!  

I dropped the Q-Tips and brushes.

I.  Must. Walk. Away.


I hate this painting 

It is so trite and cliche.  I’ve seen it before, not original, definitely done somewhere else by someone else more skilled.  A kids vision.  Not sophisticated.  I’m stealing his vision because I have no vision.  I’m an idiot in over my head.  The rainbow is too much, I can’t handle it.   This is taking me too long.

I love this Painting

I love the story.  I love my son.  I love the way this painting has pushed me.  I love the crazy colors.  I love that Daire made the lower jaw bigger because when the dragon closes his mouth you can’t see how big his teeth are.  I love that he breathes fire and water and stars.  The dragon has no arms. Poor little arm-less dragon, I love you.


And Repeat.


[email protected]


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