Author: Marika

Road to Recover (Fall 2014) copyright Marika Reinke

Road to Recovery (Fall 2014)

Road to Recover (Fall 2014) copyright Marika Reinke
Road to Recovery (Fall 2014) copyright Marika Reinke

Some days the winds wrap us up so tight we become the eye of the tornado. Trapped inside, the world collapses on itself and there is no gust we can grasp. The storm picks us up and ponders what it will do while we uselessly fight, kick and scream against the assault and injustice. Then we let go of trying to rein the wind.  The chaos unwinds.  The winds unfold and beautifully reveal unexpected surprises.

Watercolor 12″ x 9″

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Buy Road to Recovery Prints and Cards Here

 Original Painting: SOLD

Personalized Limited Edition Print (of 25) : $45    What’s special about a limited edition print? Click on my Print Options

10 Pack 5″ x 7″ Art Cards: $35

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To read complete details about the options for buying please read my About Print Options page.


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Mother copyright Marika Reinke

2003: Mother

Mother copyright Marika Reinke
Mother copyright Marika Reinke

At times, our most beloved feel most distant and those closest most mysterious. Their landscape is illusive, incomplete, and barely graspable. The more complex, the more unknowable. The more loved, the more blind.

Watercolor 16″ x 12″

Heart, Humor, Spirit copyright Marika Reinke

2014: Heart, Humor, Spirit

Heart, Humor, Spirit copyright Marika Reinke
Heart, Humor, Spirit copyright Marika Reinke

What gives me strength when I am weak? Courage when I’m scared? Confidence when I’m uncertain? Heart, humor and spirit written gently on each finger. Because floating in an unknowable sea is just a lovely, bumpy, mysterious dream.

Watercolor 12″ x 9″

In The News

This painting was featured by the Northwest Art Alliance in May 2015.

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Buy Heart Humor Spirit Here

 Original Painting: $150

Personalized Limited Edition Print (of 25) : $45    What’s special about a limited edition print? Click on my Print Options

10 Pack 5″ x 7″ Art Cards: $35

About print Options

To read complete details about the options for buying please read my About Print Options page.


[email protected]


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I offer special deals and offers to my Facebook fans.   Come join me at Marika’s Art Studio

A healed body is a fit body copyright Marika Reinke.

Fall 2014: Injury and Recovery

A healed body is a fit body copyright Marika Reinke.

About three weeks ago, on October 11, I made a trip to the ER with ear-ringing pain in my leg.  For about four weeks, I had been recovering from a herniated disc and moderate sciatica.  After getting a new mattress a week and half before, the pain had been getting worse at night until that morning when it knocked me off my feet.  I couldn’t handle it any more, I needed help.  The sciatica was acute and I could barely walk.

MRI herniated disc prolapse
MRI herniated disc prolapse

What followed was two weeks of limited and painful mobility, lots of sleepless and angry nights and a slow and constant ingestion of Vicodin.  I was invalid, needing help with everything from getting dressed, to eating and walking.  And I was haunted by the sense that I was transformed. I wouldn’t ever be the same.  But I’m still not clear on how.

So I painted.  I sat in bed, when I could, and painted in whatever position my body would allow. I researched painting, I blogged about my painting.  I ingested more art than pain meds.  And I painted my injury.

Here is my herniated disc:

Herniated disc copyright Marika Reinke
Herniated disc copyright Marika Reinke watercolor 24″ x 12″

That red bulge is what is pressing on my nerve root and causing shooting pain all the way to my toes.  And yes, beautiful because any life experience is.

This MRI shows the compression even better.

MRI Herniated Disc
MRI Herniated Disc – the white oval is the squished nerve root.

Here is my rendering.  Interestingly it is like a mirror showing the prolapse on the right but actually mirroring my body as I paint.  And the prolapse is exaggerated…like the pain.

Herniated Disc 2 copyright Marika Reinke
Herniated Disc 2 copyright Marika Reinke watercolor 18″ x 12″

Because pain, after time begins to feel as much psychological as physical.  The fear of the pain is as debilitating as the pain itself.  Every sensation is amplified.

Of course painting an injury begs the question, what about painting a healed Marika?

A healed body is not the same as a healed Marika.  I don’t thinking painting a repaired herniated disc would represent a healed me.  The answer made me think but, truthfully, it was obvious.  It just wasn’t obvious until I began to emerge from the debilitating pain and detoxed.

I can walk now and tackle my rehab exercises.  I can see the future.  I have a vision.  I love being fit and active and I’m ready to do what it takes to get back to it.  Ican’t wait to return to crossfit and rock climb.

A healed body is a fit body copyright Marika Reinke
A healed body is a fit body copyright Marika Reinke watercolor 24″ x 18″

Give me my weights back and a pain-free crossfit workout, then I’ll declare myself healed.


2011: Dragon in the Tree copyright Marika Reinke

2011: Dragon in the Tree

2011: Dragon in the Tree copyright Marika Reinke
2011: Dragon in the Tree copyright Marika Reinke

When he was two years old, my son would point to our purple blossoming plum tree and tell me about the dragon there. “But its okay.” He’d reassure me. “He is our friend.”
Watercolor 18″ x 24″

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Original Painting: SOLD

Personalized Limited Edition Print (of 25) : $65 Preview Image

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The best way to contact me directly is at [email protected]

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2004: Dendrites copyright Marika Reinke

2004: Dendrites

2004: Dendrites copyright Marika Reinke
2004: Dendrites copyright Marika Reinke

Learning is the process of making connections both literally and figuratively. What muscles are to strength, dendrites are to learning. Dendrites connect synapses, a chemical process and manifestation of learning. A dendrite is almost always a chemical potential. Like muscles, dendrites need many of the same building blocks to grow; energy, sleep, practice, a safe environment, some challenge and encouragement. Some people have more dendrites and more experience, but for all, learning is always possible.

Watercolor 16″ x 12″

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Currently all my prints will be ready to ship no later than November 24th, 2014. All orders will be shipped in 1-3 days with standard shipping included in the price. Please contact me directly at [email protected] for other shipping options or if you need to ship internationally in which case there will be an additional charge.

Original Painting: SOLD

Personalized Limited Edition Print (of 25) : $50 Preview Image

Open Edition Option:


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To read complete details about the options for buying please read my About Print Options page.

Questions? CONTACT ME

The best way to contact me directly is at [email protected]

Follow me on Facebook, where all life unravels:

Inside Green 2 copyright Marika Reinke

2004: Inside Green 2

Inside Green 2 copyright Marika Reinke
Inside Green 2 copyright Marika Reinke

A closer look and the world inside a garden unfolds dramatically.

Watercolor 12″ x 16″

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Currently all my prints will be ready to ship no later than November 24th, 2014. All orders will be shipped in 1-3 days with standard shipping included in the price. Please contact me directly at [email protected] for other shipping options or if you need to ship internationally in which case there will be an additional charge.

Original Painting: $250 Preview Image

Personalized Limited Edition Print (of 25) : $50 Preview Image  What’s special about a limited edition print? Click on my Print Options page to find out. 

Open Edition Option:

About print Options

To read complete details about the options for buying please read my About Print Options page.

Questions? CONTACT ME

The best way to contact me directly is at [email protected]

Follow me on Facebook, where all life unravels:

2004: Inside Green copyright Marika Reinke

2004: Inside Green

2004: Inside Green copyright Marika Reinke
2004: Inside Green copyright Marika Reinke

An artist and gardener intuits plant intelligence . It is unsurprising that inside a blade of grass, there is an alien thinking world, unseen and unknowable. If one is unzipped and thoughts were see-able, what would emerge? Are humans capable of comprehending?

Watercolor 9″ x 12″


2014: Garden on Fire

2014: Garden on Fire copyright Marika Reinke
2014: Garden on Fire copyright Marika Reinke

Pain is a jealous God. Initially, a lit match and easily blown out. No problem. Disrespected, it flares, setting everything precious on fire, wickedly insisting on surrender. Everything is colored by pain. Nothing will be the same.

Watercolor 18″ x 24″

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Buy Garden on Fire Here

 Original Painting: $350

Personalized Limited Edition Print (of 25) : $70    What’s special about a limited edition print? Click on my Print Options

10 Pack 5″ x 7″ Art Cards: $35

About print Options

To read complete details about the options for buying please read my About Print Options page.


[email protected]


Join my E-mail List Here to get current news of events and special deals. I respect your privacy and will not share this information with others.


I offer special deals and offers to my Facebook fans.   Come join me at Marika’s Art Studio

2011: Fabulous Vanity

2011: Fabulous Vanity copyright Marika Reinke
2011: Fabulous Vanity copyright Marika Reinke

Mirror mirror on the wall…
A Queen plots murder to be crowned the most beautiful in the land. Forget royalty, Beauty is the ultimate Power, and cannibalism is an acceptable price to pay for it.

Watercolor 24″ x 18″