Have you noticed when you truly pay attention time slows down? Time really is a giving and generous ally.
For example, when I paint for a set time period, time slows down. The structured time forces me to focus, every moment is precious. I dig in and move with the process. It kick starts flow and I surprise myself. During these periods, if you ask me what time it is, I have no idea. If you ask me to speak, I can barely use words. I’m in a worriless timeless state. Time is helping me along, giving me as much as I need while I work, but only as I stay focused.
I’ve noticed this when I belay my husband as he climbs. One time, I could tell my husband was going to fall. He was grappling with the holds in a steep overhang, almost at the top with a long but very safe fall. I braced myself knowing that if he fell, I could expect to pop up off the floor from the force of his counterweight. When he fell, I took a breath and… I waited. It was three seconds, but felt longer as I braced and then popped lightly into the air. I was astonished by time’s flexibility and give. Time gave me everything I needed to make sure he and I were safe.
As I work on my Artist’s Way class the phenomena continues. This course ultimately focuses us on paying attention to ourselves, our creative process, our blocks, reflections and actions. Every week, when I think about how I’m going to check in with the group, I’m surprised. So much change and growth happens in a week during this astonishing class. I used to think weeks past by in a flash. In reality, every week is long for all of us when we pay attention. But as I work on me, time slows and gives me space to process.
Consider this astonishing phenomena: The more you give to Time, the more she returns herself, plus some.
I’ve never given it a thought before. Thank you, Time.