Steven Pressfield Quote: The War of Art
Steven Pressfield Quote: The War of Art


Steven Pressfield Quote: The War of Art
Steven Pressfield Quote: The War of Art

Steven Pressfield’s book “The War or Art” has been on my to read list for a few months.  Reviews are powerful and even transformational.

You know those days when you just can’t pick up a paintbrush?  Can’t focus?  Wonder why the hell you choose such a difficult career path?  And you think just about anything else would be easier than this thing that would let your soul sing?

So you start to run down that “easier” rabbit hole?

This is Resistance.  Ultimately a destructive force, the yin to our creative yang and your biggest enemy.

I’m not far through this book and it is unlocking a lot of meaning for me.  It is a book to savor, highlight and reflect upon.

I already highly recommend it for anyone struggling to find themselves in any art or transformational endeavor or those of us just living… and living… and living.


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  1. Like labor pains. I love it. That’s an interesting insight.
    Being able to identify resistance for what it is seems like the logical first step in understanding it that way.

  2. I just finished it… On the airplane coming back from a mini action. I was really inspired and I loved a lot of it. Really chewing on the hierarchical vs territorial models. Makes sense for life, not just art.

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