4. gratitude is generous

Gratitude is magic.

On days when the world is a list of “isn’t-s” and “not-quite-good-enough-s”, gratitude changes focus to what is now.  The mind-shift transforms everything that “is” to exactly as it should be.  It’s a beautiful and surprising magic. Even better, we are all capable of this sorcery.

Your gratitude list can contain anything but the most surprising and powerful appreciations are often least expected.  They are the ones that, without gratitude, we fight the most:

Thank you for the challenge today, it has helped me see my true strength.

Thank you for the critics who have pushed me further than I thought I was capable.

Thank you for love. I mourn my loss but I’m so grateful that I have loved so deeply in this life.

Thank you for the frustrating people in this world who have taught me to be a better human.

Thank you for the unknown.  When I’m uncomfortable, I know I am acting from the most potential for magic and fulfillment.

Gratitude is potent generosity. Practicing this magic reveals a surprising truth: Everything you are thankful for was once a want and desire that you transformed to now.

You have changed your world.

What will future gratitudes bring?

(C) Marika Reinke – Adventures in Art with Heart, Humor and Spirit.

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